Thursday, November 30, 2017

November OMG - done

I actually finished most of this earlier in the month.  My method of quilting it was to attach the flimsy to the center of the roughly cut batting by folding it in half, then in half and lining up the center point.  I used glue basting and heat-set before I used a serpentine stitch over all of the block-joining seams in a vertical + horizontal grid.

Then I glue basted the back to this partially quilted bit and attached the long-side of the borders and did more serpentine stitching, spaced out with masking tape.  These lines are mostly straight, but since it is black thread on black fabric, it looks great!  Then I attached the last two border parts and quilted them the same way.

I considered my binding options and went with one that would blend in.  I decided to practice Rachel's zigzag method.

It was not easy for me because I do not think I measured out 3/8" correctly...  So I really had to pull some spots tight to get it to line up and did you know pins are sharp?

Last part was to do some "hand" quilting around Jason, Toria and my hands.

Linking back to Elm Street Quilts, our lovely host. 

Saturday, November 25, 2017

current list of UFOs/wanna-makes

In no particular order, a brain-dump of all* my current UFOs and (things I want to make).

From Stitched Holiday:
  •   Joy
  •   (Tree Pillow)
  •   (QAYG Tree Skirt)

Cobblestones with AG Sun-something-or-the-other

(DS Free-Wheeling Single Girl)

(HST via this month's Saturday Demo - purples/green/blue)

Building Blocks via October's Saturday Demo - brights/that really ugly fabric my mom bought for me 15 years ago for curtains...

*Ha!  All that I can think of/see right now.  Plenty more that I've got buried under other things.  :P

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November OMG - UFO

I am not late.  I am just really early for next year...  :P   My goal this month is to turn this flimsy into a real quilt that the kids can snuggle under next fall.

I want to border this in black, using up the batting from my current design wall.  I have a few large chunks to piece together for the backing.  Binding is still TBD.

Linking back to our lovely host, Elm Street Quilts.