Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Purple Zebra - DONE!

Ha!  I am not very good at this blogging/posting picture-thing...

 As I was taking the above photo, my cat, Sheree, (like the French 'mon cherie') came up and made the fabric all wobbly.
A mostly flat view.
And one of the back!

This was a good goal because I tried something that did not come easily to me.  I got a bit frustrated because my stitches were not very straight or even.  But this was my first attempt at embroidery and I did enjoy parts of it a little.  I liked using the pearl cotton for the hair.  And purple is my favorite color.

I think the part I liked most about doing this OMG (which I told serveral people about!) is that I can see how much I need to keep up the momentum to finish things - I got distracted after day 4 or 5.  Lots of stitching yesterday/today because I procrastinate...  :P

Linking back to: Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal January Linkup

ps:  I changed my time zone!  And now I know how to upload the photos directly to Blogger.

Monday, January 2, 2017

PZ - day two


Undid the stitches along the edge of the back leg and added two more stripes.

Side note, now my 8 year old son wants to make his own zebra...  I hope that I can be patient enough to show him the basics, as I am not very good at embroidery myself.

Posted at almost 9p on 2 January.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Purple Zebra

I bought this kit a while back, maybe 2,3 years?  https://www.etsy.com/listing/93150129/kit-embroidery-zebra-wall-art?ref=shop_home_active_6

I would like to finish it as my one goal for January: http://www.elmstreetquilts.com/2017/01/one-monthly-goal-january-goal-setting.html

ps - I need to figure out how to change my time zone, as Blogger still thinks I am in Korea?  Published at 10p on 1 Jan 17, from CA!
pps - And I need to take a picture of what I've done so far too...  :)


I do not (yet!) know how to link directly from Instagram.  ><  I am feeling very lacking in the computer-skills department.

But I can only improve from here, eh?  :)