Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Purple Zebra - DONE!

Ha!  I am not very good at this blogging/posting picture-thing...

 As I was taking the above photo, my cat, Sheree, (like the French 'mon cherie') came up and made the fabric all wobbly.
A mostly flat view.
And one of the back!

This was a good goal because I tried something that did not come easily to me.  I got a bit frustrated because my stitches were not very straight or even.  But this was my first attempt at embroidery and I did enjoy parts of it a little.  I liked using the pearl cotton for the hair.  And purple is my favorite color.

I think the part I liked most about doing this OMG (which I told serveral people about!) is that I can see how much I need to keep up the momentum to finish things - I got distracted after day 4 or 5.  Lots of stitching yesterday/today because I procrastinate...  :P

Linking back to: Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal January Linkup

ps:  I changed my time zone!  And now I know how to upload the photos directly to Blogger.


  1. Cute zebra! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  2. Your little purple zebra is so cute! I don't do much embroidery, but I think it is lovely!
