Sunday, February 25, 2018

February OMG - done

I got my coast ripple up to a throw size: 56" x 44" 
It is long enough to cover my toes/lap.

I evened out the ends and got both sides bordered in teal.  I didn't add 18 stripes, only 8, because I really do not like having to count... plus I ran out of the Aspen color.

I have since ordered 2 more packs from the Attic24 section at WoolWarehouse: Original and Harmony!  I will go with a plain ol' granny row that requires no counting next time.  :)

I need a break from this blanket for a bit, but I am going to add another round to the border, probably a sc or hdc (UK terms); and make a label before I give it to my mother-out-law when she visits for spring break next month.

Linking back to our lovely host Elm Street Quilts.

One teeny tiny marshmallow and a lid with greasy fingerprints...
side note:  The blue circle is the lid to some tiny marshmallows I bought only YESTERDAY.  Today the kids devoured the whole jar...!  ><   And links are just in case you'd like to see what I'm talking about. I don't know how to set up affiliate links, nor do I want to.  I just like sharing the details.  :)

------ for 6and6:

How did you go? I am done with ripples for a bit...  But I like these colors and I will work with them again.  In fact, I'm making a granny square blanket with them right now.
Did you have fun with something old? I am glad to be 'done' (still have 2 steps to go) with this project.  It will be fun to give it away!
Was it easy to decide what to choose to work on?  Yes, because she is coming to visit soon.
Needed new fabrics for it?  Nope, it all came in the yarn pack.
Were you able to make Substantial Progress with it?  Y es! 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Goal Setting / my Plan for the Big Bed Quilt Along

"I'm in! I want to take my 6" cut squares ( from the Rainbow QAL and turn them into a 90" x 90" (ish) top. Fuzzy math says I need 256 blocks, but I already have 40 of them cut! This will be a duvet cover for my awesome down comforter; reverse side TBD."

February Goals: cut more squares; do the maths
March Goals: more squares
April Goals: sew squares together!

I think I will take apart my current white flannel duvet and use that as the backing.  The other side can be for my next project...?!!

Monday, February 5, 2018

February OMG - Coast Ripple

I started this in the summer of 2015...  Based on Lucy's design/colors.  

My goal is to add 18 more stripes, or what it takes to get to the throw-size I am aiming for.  Linking back to Elm Street Quilts, our lovely host.