Friday, May 5, 2017

May OMG = blue and grey QAYG blocks

I took a class at Back Porch Fabrics in January.  I did 8 blocks in class and made 5 more since then...  One is not shown here:

I have 15 more squares of batting already cut, so that is my goal for May: sew 15 more blocks.

I'm not sure if I was planning a 4x7 (28 blocks) layout, or if I just got tired of cutting the batting...?  Blocks finish at 8.5".  So... we shall see!  :P

This one is my favorite so far because that leopard print was a pillow I made about 20 years ago!

Linking back to our host:  Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal May Linkup.


  1. Love that gray fabric with houses on it! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project!

  2. You have some interesting fabrics in those blocks. Good luck on reaching your goal.
