Craft-wise, last month didn't go very well, mostly due to me being grumpy. Even though I
know that making things puts me in a happy frame of mind, grumpiness makes me not want to create...
But I did get one side darned in last month, so that's something!
Part of me thinks that my reluctance to darn in these ends is a metaphor for my life. I don't like leaving the ends all tangled up, but it's more fun to add new rows than it is to tidy up the past... But a blanket isn't finished until the ends are darned in, or the binding sewn down. With the hectic nature of life, you don't always get to go back and finish up the UFOs that you cast aside/misplaced/forgot about...
Starve your fears and distractions.
Feed your passion.
I'd like to break this bad habit of moving on too quickly, so I'm keeping this as my OMG for April and linking up with
Patty of Elm Street Quilts. I started this blanket in April of 2014.
Pretty. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.